Thursday, October 27, 2011

Life is still a choice.

A couple days ago, everyone in our church was praying for this sweet family. I missed service that Sunday so hadn't seen this in person or heard the whole story. I just knew that a couple in our church was going to be delivering a little baby and within hours was going to have to say goodbye since the child did not have any kidneys.

As I sat watching this video, I couldn't help but cry. I have a little one in my womb... I haven't met her yet, have no idea what color eyes she will have or hair. What her sweet little nose will look like or what her favorite things will be... But she is mine. God gave her to my husband and I and allowed us to be parents. What an amazing blessing is that? It still astonishes me daily.

Having a psych background exposed me to so many stories of anomalies and differences in personality, attitude and capabilities. Regardless of what our little Sophia will have, she is still my little baby girl. The love I have for her is indescribable and unfathomable.

I know without a doubt that the love I experience for our little one is the same love that this family had for their little Caroline Joy. I think its such an amazing testimony that when faced with the option in July that they could abort their baby or deliver knowing that she wouldn't survive the day that they still chose to give her life. It puts into perspective for me, that we are not in control of who lives or who dies. God is. God created each and everyone of us and placed us in our mothers wombs. He didn't make a mistake. It simply amazes me God can use such a heart-wrenching circumstance to highlight how he will work regardless.

I just pray that I can teach my little one all the amazing things in life... including life itself. I hope and pray that I can impress upon her how important life is and that it grabs at her heartstrings too.

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